Void streetwear

Void streetwear

Void streetwear










Book. Sit. Relax.

Book. Sit. Relax.

Book. Sit. Relax.

Your snacks are on the way.

Your snacks are on the way.

Your snacks are on the way.









UX Researcher
UX Designer

UX Researcher
UX Designer

UX Researcher
UX Designer



4 weeks
Dec 2023 - January 2024

4 weeks
Dec 2023 - January 2024

4 weeks
Dec 2023 - January 2024



User Research
Visual Design
Motion Design

UX Research
Motion Design
Interaction Design

User Research
Visual Design
Motion Design



Although loved by many, online shopping can get overwhelming through an abundance of choice. Void looks to stand out by offering an efficient, convenient, and visually engaging shopping experience.

This project was created as part of my Google UX Certificate.

Although loved by many, online shopping can get overwhelming through an abundance of choice. Void looks to stand out by offering an efficient, convenient, and visually engaging shopping experience.

This project was created as part of my Google UX Certificate.

Although loved by many, online shopping can get overwhelming through an abundance of choice. Void looks to stand out by offering an efficient, convenient, and visually engaging shopping experience.

This project was created as part of my Google UX Certificate.



Online shopping can get confusing due to unclear navigation, too many options, and lack of visual merchandising.

Online shopping can get confusing due to unclear navigation, too many options, and lack of visual merchandising.

Online shopping can get confusing due to unclear navigation, too many options, and lack of visual merchandising.



Void looks to keep online shopping as efficient as possible with intuitive navigation, visual merchandising and a seamless-cross device experience. With Void, users can shop at home or on the go without wasting a second more than needed.

Void looks to keep online shopping as efficient as possible with intuitive navigation, visual merchandising and a seamless-cross device experience. With Void, users can shop at home or on the go without wasting a second more than needed.

Void looks to keep online shopping as efficient as possible with intuitive navigation, visual merchandising and a seamless-cross device experience. With Void, users can shop at home or on the go without wasting a second more than needed.







I conducted user interviews, which I later applied into empathy maps to establish a range of profiles and needs of every user.

One discovery that stood out to me was the importance of brand loyalty, where the look and feel of a website had a lot of influence on a user’s attachment. If the website was aesthetically pleasing and robust, their products brought a more premium and reliable feeling - premium through material quality and reliable through genuinity in quality and delivery. Additionally, the safer and more comfortable a user feels, the more likely it is for them to apply for a membership to further quicken and simplify purchases.

I conducted user interviews, which I later applied into empathy maps to establish a range of profiles and needs of every user.

One discovery that stood out to me was the importance of brand loyalty, where the look and feel of a website had a lot of influence on a user’s attachment. If the website was aesthetically pleasing and robust, their products brought a more premium and reliable feeling - premium through material quality and reliable through genuinity in quality and delivery. Additionally, the safer and more comfortable a user feels, the more likely it is for them to apply for a membership to further quicken and simplify purchases.

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to discover user pain points. The main user group identified through research were young adults or teens.

Although this user group confirmed my initial assumptions, I noticed that there was a secondary group that consisted of guardians accompanying underage children. This group inherently introduces working class adults and more members of the primary user group to accompany the children. This secondary group shares all the needs of the primary group on top of some additional ones.

Paint points

Paint points

Paint points



An unclear navigation increases user errors from confusion and stress about handling user information and spending money. 

An unclear navigation increases user errors from confusion and stress about handling user information and spending money. 

An unclear navigation increases user errors from confusion and stress about handling user information and spending money. 



Clustering hinders users from focusing on a single product, discouraging them from spending more time to check all products.

Clustering hinders users from focusing on a single product, discouraging them from spending more time to check all products.

Clustering hinders users from focusing on a single product, discouraging them from spending more time to check all products.



Whether at home on a laptop or outside on a phone, users should be confident about getting the best website quality on any screen size.

Whether at home on a laptop or outside on a phone, users should be confident about getting the best website quality on any screen size.

Whether at home on a laptop or outside on a phone, users should be confident about getting the best website quality on any screen size.

User Persona: Toby

User Persona: Toby

User Persona: Toby

Using these newly discovered paint points, I created a user persona that is hindered by all of them to find goals and frustrations that provide solutions Void can focus on.

Using these newly discovered paint points, I created a user persona that is hindered by all of them to find goals and frustrations that provide solutions Void can focus on.

Using these newly discovered paint points, I created a user persona that is hindered by all of them to find goals and frustrations that provide solutions Void can focus on.

Toby's problem statement

Toby's problem statement

Toby is a busy junior employee, who needs a simple and efficient online shopping experience because he wants to use his newly disposable income while leading a busy lifestyle.

Toby is a busy junior employee, who needs a simple and efficient online shopping experience because he wants to use his newly disposable income while leading a busy lifestyle.

Toby is a busy junior employee, who needs a simple and efficient online shopping experience because he wants to use his newly disposable income while leading a busy lifestyle.





Junior consultant
Chicago, USA
2 parents, 1 older brother

Junior consultant
Chicago, USA
2 parents, 1 older brother

“I love fashion as a way to express myself, especially streetwear. A website that offers a wide selection of unique and stylish options, along with a smooth shopping experience, would be perfect for my busy lifestyle.”

“I love fashion as a way to express myself, especially streetwear. A website that offers a wide selection of unique and stylish options, along with a smooth shopping experience, would be perfect for my busy lifestyle.”


Effortless browsing

Toby prefers a straightforward layout that helps him avoid cluttered pages.

Toby prefers a straightforward layout that helps him avoid cluttered pages.

Streamlined checkout

Toby appreciates when completing a purchase is quick and hassle-free.

Toby appreciates when completing a purchase is quick and hassle-free.

Product information

Clear product descriptions, sizing charts, and high-quality images help assess quality and suitability of products.

Clear product descriptions, sizing charts, and high-quality images help assess quality and suitability of products.


Confusing navigation

Toby can be overwhelmed by the abundance of options.

Toby can be overwhelmed by the abundance of options.

Quality assurance

Toby seeks assurance that the products he purchases meet his expectations in terms of quality.

Toby seeks assurance that the products he purchases meet his expectations of quality.

Technical reliability

Toby prefers a platform that is stable and reliable, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted browsing and checkout.

Toby prefers a platform that is stable and reliable, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted browsing and checkout.

User journey map

This journey map visualizes the average experience with Void's website while highlighting moments affected by pain points. I analyse the user journey to make informed solutions to optimize the user experience and enhance overall satisfaction down into the design phase.

This journey map visualizes the average experience with Void's website while highlighting moments affected by pain points. I analyse the user journey to make informed solutions to optimize the user experience and enhance overall satisfaction down into the design phase.



Junior consultant
Chicago, USA
2 parents, 1 older brother

“I love fashion as a way to express myself, especially streetwear. A website that offers a wide selection of unique and stylish options, along with a smooth shopping experience, would be perfect for my busy lifestyle.”


Effortless browsing

Toby prefers a straightforward layout that helps him avoid cluttered pages.

Streamlined checkout

Toby appreciates when completing a purchase is quick and hassle-free.

Product information

Clear product descriptions, sizing charts, and high-quality images help assess quality and suitability of products.


Confusing navigation

Toby can be overwhelmed by the abundance of options.

Quality assurance

Toby seeks assurance that the products he purchases meet his expectations in terms of quality.

Technical reliability

Toby prefers a platform that is stable and reliable, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted browsing and checkout.

User journey map

This journey map visualizes the average experience with Void's website while highlighting moments affected by pain points. I analyse the user journey to make informed solutions to optimize the user experience and enhance overall satisfaction down into the design phase.







I create a sitemap, paper and digital wireframes for different screen sizes, low-fidelity prototypes, and conduct usability studies to finalize and present a high-fidelity prototype.

I create a sitemap, paper and digital wireframes for different screen sizes, low-fidelity prototypes, and conduct usability studies to finalize and present a high-fidelity prototype.

I create a sitemap, paper and digital wireframes for different screen sizes, low-fidelity prototypes, and conduct usability studies to finalize and present a high-fidelity prototype.




For an e-commerce website, I found that a hierarchical sitemap provides the best navigation for online shopping. The left side of the navigation is dedicated to browsing with three different tabs: shop, lookbooks and search.

For an e-commerce website, I found that a hierarchical sitemap provides the best navigation for online shopping. The left side of the navigation is dedicated to browsing with three different tabs: shop, lookbooks and search.

For an e-commerce website, I found that a hierarchical sitemap provides the best navigation for online shopping. The left side of the navigation is dedicated to browsing with three different tabs: shop, lookbooks and search.

The right side contains tabs for managing purchases, setting language, and finding information. Lastly, a cart tab is located at the end to wrap up the shopping experience. This provides a simple navigation that highlights browsing to keep the users’ shopping experience as efficient as possible.

The right side contains tabs for managing purchases, setting language, and finding information. Lastly, a cart tab is located at the end to wrap up the shopping experience. This provides a simple navigation that highlights browsing to keep the users’ shopping experience as efficient as possible.

The right side contains tabs for managing purchases, setting language, and finding information. Lastly, a cart tab is located at the end to wrap up the shopping experience. This provides a simple navigation that highlights browsing to keep the users’ shopping experience as efficient as possible.

Paper wireframes

Paper wireframes

Paper wireframes

After researching user pain points, I sketched out different iterations of paper wireframes for every screen.

After researching user pain points, I sketched out different iterations of paper wireframes for every screen.

After researching user pain points, I sketched out different iterations of paper wireframes for every screen.

The product browsing screen was one of the main focuses in my paper wireframes. I ideated through many layouts and features, as I looked to create a browsing experience that can clearly showcase products while still providing space for navigation and a filter feature for personalization.

The product browsing screen was one of the main focuses in my paper wireframes. I ideated through many layouts and features, as I looked to create a browsing experience that can clearly showcase products while still providing space for navigation and a filter feature for personalization.

The product browsing screen was one of the main focuses in my paper wireframes. I ideated through many layouts and features, as I looked to create a browsing experience that can clearly showcase products while still providing space for navigation and a filter feature for personalization.


Category carousel and large browsing list


Quickview for browsing list


Filter options sidebar


Filter button and collection slideshow


Category carousel and large browsing list


Quickview for browsing list


Filter options sidebar


Filter button and collection slideshow





To best showcase products, I decided to include a quick view for users to preview selected products and their descriptions before entering the product page. Paired with a filter option, I found this solution to make browsing as efficient as possible. For quick navigation, a collection list populates the top of the website while the top bar is minimized for additional options.

To best showcase products, I decided to include a quick view for users to preview selected products and their descriptions before entering the product page. Paired with a filter option, I found this solution to make browsing as efficient as possible. For quick navigation, a collection list populates the top of the website while the top bar is minimized for additional options.

To best showcase products, I decided to include a quick view for users to preview selected products and their descriptions before entering the product page. Paired with a filter option, I found this solution to make browsing as efficient as possible. For quick navigation, a collection list populates the top of the website while the top bar is minimized for additional options.

Mobile variant

Mobile variant

Mobile variant

As I finalized plans for the desktop website, I began to visualize it on a slimmer mobile screen.

As I finalized plans for the desktop website, I began to visualize it on a slimmer mobile screen.

As I finalized plans for the desktop website, I began to visualize it on a slimmer mobile screen.

With a thinner form factor, the most important change was keeping all essential features while maintaining accessibility as a phone user.

Browsing being the primary focus, the product list is placed at the bottom where it is most reachable. All navigation features were horizontally minimized to provide space for the quickview.

With a thinner form factor, the most important change was keeping all essential features while maintaining accessibility as a phone user.

Browsing being the primary focus, the product list is placed at the bottom where it is most reachable. All navigation features were horizontally minimized to provide space for the quickview.

With a thinner form factor, the most important change was keeping all essential features while maintaining accessibility as a phone user.

Browsing being the primary focus, the product list is placed at the bottom where it is most reachable. All navigation features were horizontally minimized to provide space for the quickview.

Digital wireframes

Digital wireframes

Digital wireframes

As I digitally recreate my wireframes on Figma, I apply some early ideas to improve user experience.

As I digitally recreate my wireframes on Figma, I apply some early ideas to improve user experience.

As I digitally recreate my wireframes on Figma, I apply some early ideas to improve user experience.

Quick view

Products are showcased early to inspire user purchasing decisions without entering the product page

Products are showcased early to inspire user purchasing decisions without entering the product page

Quick view

Products are showcased early to inspire user purchasing decisions without entering the product page

Filter products

Users can focus on finding what they want without being overwhelmed by too many choices

Users can focus on finding what they want without being overwhelmed by too many choices

Filter products

Users can focus on finding what they want without being overwhelmed by too many choices

Collection list

Provides users with context and easily accessable navigation options to explore similar products

Provides users with context and easily accessable navigation options to explore similar products

Collection list

Provides users with context and easily accessable navigation options to explore similar products

Mobile variant

Mobile variant

Mobile variant

After creating digital wireframes for desktop users, I created a mobile variant using earlier paper wireframes.

After creating digital wireframes for desktop users, I created a mobile variant using earlier paper wireframes.

After creating digital wireframes for desktop users, I created a mobile variant using earlier paper wireframes.

Product list placement

Product list

Placing the product list at the bottom supports reachability when browsing on a mobile screen

Placing the product list at the bottom supports reachability when browsing on a mobile screen

Product list placement

Placing the product list at the bottom supports reachability when browsing on a mobile screen

Minimized navigation

The collections list is minimized to make space for visual features such as the quickview and product list

The collections list is minimized to make space for visual features such as the quickview and product list

Minimized navigation

The collections list is minimized to make space for visual features such as the quickview and product list

Expandable top bar

With less real estate for the top bar, it is now expandable to let users focus more on browsing

With less real estate for the top bar, it is now expandable to let users focus more on browsing

Expandable top bar

With less real estate for the top bar, it is now expandable to let users focus more on browsing

Low-fidelity prototype

Low-fidelity prototype

Low-fidelity prototype

User flow

The website's userflow is mostly a typical linear userflow, with additional options for settings, support and brand information. As users are making a purchase, they will progress through their experience in a sequencial manner.

The website's userflow is mostly a typical linear userflow, with additional options for settings, support and brand information. As users are making a purchase, they will progress through their experience in a sequencial manner.

Desktop variant

Desktop variant

Mobile variant

Mobile variant

Mobile variant

Usability study

Usability study

Usability study

Using my low-fidelity prototype, I conducted interviews with multiple participants for my usability study to gather findings about the app.

Using my low-fidelity prototype, I conducted interviews with multiple participants for my usability study to gather findings about the app.

Using my low-fidelity prototype, I conducted interviews with multiple participants for my usability study to gather findings about the app.

Study details

Study details

Study details

Research Qs

Research Qs

Did you find the website easy to navigate? Why or why not?

Did you find the website easy to navigate? Why or why not?

Did you find the navigation menu intuitive for browsing different product categories?

Did you find the navigation menu intuitive for browsing different product categories?

Were there any technical issues that affected your browsing experience?

Were there any technical issues that affected your browsing experience?

Are there any parts in the user flow that users get stuck on?

Are there any parts in the user flow that users get stuck on?

What improvements or changes would you suggest to enhance the user experience of the website?

What improvements or changes would you suggest to enhance the user experience of the website?



5 participants

5 participants

Aged between 16 to 32

Aged between 16 to 32

Participants regularly shop online

Participants regularly shop online

One participant is to be someone with physical impairment

One participant is to be someone with physical impairment



20-30 minutes per participant

20-30 minutes per participant

Online, remote

Online, remote

Unmoderated usability study

Unmoderated usability study

Users were asked to perform tasks on a low-fidelity prototype

Users were asked to perform tasks on a low-fidelity prototype

1 round of usabilty study will take place

1 round of usabilty study will take place


Edit cart items

Before or after adding to cart, users aren’t able to edit the item they want to buy nor their amount.

Before or after adding to cart, users aren’t able to edit the item they want to buy nor their amount.

Edit cart items

Before or after adding to cart, users aren’t able to edit the item they want to buy nor their amount.

Image variations

Users want to see multiple pictures of a product to gain a better idea of its look and quality.

Users want to see multiple pictures of a product to gain a better idea of its look and quality.

Image variations

Users want to see multiple pictures of a product to gain a better idea of its look and quality.

Order information

Users require as much information before purchasing as after, ensuring that the products are credible.

Users require as much information before purchasing as after, ensuring that the products are credible.

Order information

Users require as much information before purchasing as after, ensuring that the products are credible.










After the second round of usability tests, I gained much more insight about possible improvements. With these new ideas, I got to finalizing my high-fidelity prototype.

After the second round of usability tests, I gained much more insight about possible improvements. With these new ideas, I got to finalizing my high-fidelity prototype.

After the second round of usability tests, I gained much more insight about possible improvements. With these new ideas, I got to finalizing my high-fidelity prototype.

Edit cart items

To account for users' changes in decision, size, color and amount are now editable from the cart summary, as well as a tab to remove or return to the item's product page.

To account for users' changes in decision, size, color and amount are now editable from the cart summary, as well as a tab to remove or return to the item's product page.

Edit cart items

To account for users' changes in decision, size, color and amount are now editable from the cart summary, as well as a tab to remove or return to the item's product page.

Image variations

Before purchasing a product, users are able to see multiple angles and close-ups of the item to fully assess if the look and quality meet their liking.

Before purchasing a product, users are able to see multiple angles and close-ups of the item to fully assess if the look and quality meet their liking.

Image variations

Before purchasing a product, users are able to see multiple angles and close-ups of the item to fully assess if the look and quality meet their liking.

Order information

After making their purchase, users will be reassured that their order has been processed by receiving the date and order number, in case they have inquiries about their purchase and peace of mind.

After making their purchase, users will be reassured that their order has been processed by receiving the date and order number, in case they have inquiries about their purchase and peace of mind.

Order information

After making their purchase, users will be reassured that their order has been processed by receiving the date and order number, in case they have inquiries about their purchase and peace of mind.




Navigation being an essential part of the website, I made it accessible for users requiring assistive technology.

Navigation being an essential part of the website, I made it accessible for users requiring assistive technology.

Navigation being an essential part of the website, I made it accessible for users requiring assistive technology.


Users with low-vision can learn the content of images and the context and purpose within the content.

Users with low-vision can learn the content of images and the context and purpose within the content.


Users with low-vision can learn the content of images and the context and purpose within the content.


Users with screen readers can learn the page layout and organization to effortlessly navigate.

Users with screen readers can learn the page layout and organization to effortlessly navigate.


Users with screen readers can learn the page layout and organization to effortlessly navigate.

Focus order

Users can use the keyboard to navigate in a sequential manner for orientation and easy interaction.

Users can use the keyboard to navigate in a sequential manner for orientation and easy interaction.

Focus order

Users can use the keyboard to navigate in a sequential manner for orientation and easy interaction.

High-fidelity prototype

High-fidelity prototype

High-fidelity prototype

With all these changes in mind, I finalized me high-fidelity prototype:

With all these changes in mind, I finalized me high-fidelity prototype:

With all these changes in mind, I finalized me high-fidelity prototype:












Our target users shared that the changes applied from the usability test, along with the new look of the website, greatly improve their experience. From a functional standpoint, navigating and browsing were more optimized through access, filtering and editing items. Additionally, landmarks, alt text and focus points were added to provide accessibility and were greatly appreciated by our tester with physical impairments.

Our target users shared that the changes applied from the usability test, along with the new look of the website, greatly improve their experience. From a functional standpoint, navigating and browsing were more optimized through access, filtering and editing items. Additionally, landmarks, alt text and focus points were added to provide accessibility and were greatly appreciated by our tester with physical impairments.

Our target users shared that the changes applied from the usability test, along with the new look of the website, greatly improve their experience. From a functional standpoint, navigating and browsing were more optimized through access, filtering and editing items. Additionally, landmarks, alt text and focus points were added to provide accessibility and were greatly appreciated by our tester with physical impairments.

What I learned

What I learned

One of my main takeaways is dedicating more time into ideating before creating wireframes. As a designer that loves to visualize everything, I often focus too much on seeing implementations. Knowing that, I forced myself to spend more time brainstorming and writing down ideas as much as I could before drawing up wireframes. I noticed a significant improvement in my work efficiency, as I was designing with more confidence and creativity. This is mainly because I allowed myself to plan ahead of multiple cases so that I could focus on progressing rather than readjusting.

One of my main takeaways is dedicating more time into ideating before creating wireframes. As a designer that loves to visualize everything, I often focus too much on seeing implementations. Knowing that, I forced myself to spend more time brainstorming and writing down ideas as much as I could before drawing up wireframes. I noticed a significant improvement in my work efficiency, as I was designing with more confidence and creativity. This is mainly because I allowed myself to plan ahead of multiple cases so that I could focus on progressing rather than readjusting.

One of my main takeaways is dedicating more time into ideating before creating wireframes. As a designer that loves to visualize everything, I often focus too much on seeing implementations. Knowing that, I forced myself to spend more time brainstorming and writing down ideas as much as I could before drawing up wireframes. I noticed a significant improvement in my work efficiency, as I was designing with more confidence and creativity. This is mainly because I allowed myself to plan ahead of multiple cases so that I could focus on progressing rather than readjusting.

Let's Connect!

Let's Connect!

Let's Connect!

Feel free to reach out to me for any questions, feedback, or support you may need. Please do explore more of my work and portfolio website.

I'd love your input and look forward to connecting with you!

Feel free to reach out to me for any questions, feedback, or support you may need. Please do explore more of my work and portfolio website.

I'd love your input and look forward to connecting with you!

Feel free to reach out to me for any questions, feedback, or support you may need. Please do explore more of my work and portfolio website.

I'd love your input and look forward to connecting with you!




Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, PL

Warsaw, PL